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Footscray North 

The Lunchbox menu is full of yummy wholesome choices catering to all children’s tastes and needs.

Welcome to Term 1, 2025

Welcome to a new school year!

We hope you've had a wonderful summer break and are all ready for another exciting school year! The Lunchbox team can't wait to get back into the kitchen and help lighten your load a little by providing your children with fresh and delicious lunches.


Our first day of service will be Thursday 6 February.


Please make sure you have updated your child/ren's 2025 classroom before you place an order. Simply go to your Munchmonitor account and go to:


 - Profile

 - Edit (on the student account you wish to change)

 - School details

 - Then click on the drop box to find your child's classroom:


If you need to open a new account, please follow the instructions below, making sure to use the correct school ID and password:


Lunchbox Food Facts


The longest sushi roll ever made was a whopping 2.9 kilometres long. Created in Russia, this extraordinary feat took hundreds of chefs and volunteers to complete. The roll consisted of traditional ingredients like rice, nori, and various fillings. So the next time you order a sushi roll for lunch, you might ponder how it would feel to tackle one that’s nearly 3 kilometres long!

Source: Guinness World Records


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Lunchbox Laughs

What do bananas say when they answer the phone?




Reminders for the week: 18 - 22 November  

The Lunchbox will be serving delicious, healthy, hot and cold lunches until    Friday, 13 December. We look forward to seeing your children's smiling faces between now and then and helping to fuel their busy days. 


If your family is leaving the school, we're sorry to see you go. But rest assured you can top up your account and any unused money over the amount of $1.00 will be credited in full back to your credit card after December 14 .

Please allow until after the New Year for processing your refunds as the MunchMonitor office will be closed from Friday 20th December until Monday 6th January 2025. 


Many thanks, 

Lindy & The Lunchbox team.

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Lunchbox Table Talk

Summer will be here soon! What's your favourite food to eat on a hot day?


A lovely crunchy salad? Something spicy?  

Or could it be an ice cream, a smoothie or a big, juicy slice of watermelon?


Why not get your little helpers to experiment in the kitchen and try making different frozen sweet treats? We love chocolate dipped bananas but our favourite refreshing treat is frozen grapes! 


Lunchbox Food Facts

Did you know? 

Edamame (ed uh ma may) are incredibly good for you. Young soy beans are packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and essential proteins. Just pop open the shell to get to the tasty peas inside. 

Order as a side to your lunch this week. They will give you the energy to run, jump, swing, cartwheel, dance and shoot for goal!


Lunchbox Friday Funnies

​Why didn’t the pancake chef realise it was Friday?
It crêpe’d up on him.


We hope you've all had a fantastic week and are looking forward to a lovely weekend. See you next week!


Hats Off!

Its Hats off to Teachers this Friday, 25 October.

​As part of World Teachers’ Day, it honours the dedication, hard work, and passion of teachers who play a crucial role in shaping the minds and futures of our children.

Let's celebrate our amazing teachers and thank them for all the ​work they do to not only educate, but also to empower and inspire. 

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Reminders for the week: 14 - 18 October  

  We hope your children are settling back into the school term after a restful break and that you're having a great week.


We get that it can be tricky juggling work, school and everything else during term time. That's why we're here to make school days that little bit easier for you! 


Lunchbox Laughs

Where did the spaghetti go to dance?


The meat ball!


Reminders for the week: 16 - 20 September  

  Thank you for a fantastic term! 


Enjoy a well deserved break and we can't wait to see your little ones and their smiley faces again in term 4.


Our first day of service next term will be Wednesday October 7th. See you then!



Going for Gold!

Have you watched Alexa Leary’s epic swim

What a comeback, not only in that race winning gold, but also in her life! 

She is strong and determined and has fought back against the odds to regain her health. She is such an inspiration!  

Nutrition plays a huge role in you being healthy.  A balanced diet is key.

Here's our winning granola recipe packed with nutritional benefits to help your little ones' growing bodies.




3 cups (270g) rolled oats

1/4 cup (50g) pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

1/4 cup (35g) sunflower seeds

1/4 cup dried cranberries

Dried apricots, sultanas and nuts*(optional)

2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted

2 Tbsp maple syrup

1 Tsp vanilla extract

1/3 cup (25g) shredded coconut



Preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a roasting pan and line with baking paper.

Combine the oats, pepitas and sunflower seeds in a large bowl.

Add coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla and stir until well combined.

Spread mixture evenly over prepared pan.

Bake, stirring every 5 mins, for 20 mins or until golden, adding shredded coconut for the last 5 mins of cooking.

Once golden brown, set aside to cool completely.

Transfer to an airtight container.

Serve with milk or yoghurt and top with your favourite berries and banana.


*Please be mindful of allergies. This recipe is delicious either with or without nuts.


Lunchbox Laughs

What do you call blueberries playing the guitar?


A jam session!


Lunchbox Fun Food Facts

Did you know? 

In Japan, you can buy square watermelons! They are grown in special boxes and take on the shape of the container. But you might have to save up if you want to buy one. They can cost hundreds of dollars! 

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Book Week
17-23 August

It's that time of the year when there's a flurry of activity to help turn little ones into their favourite character from a book. We get that it takes time and effort to create a Little Mermaid or a BFG  - we see you, mums, dads and other house elves -  but school is transformed into something truly magical. Reading really is magic! 


Cooking can also be magical and to honour this very special week, here is one of our favourite magical recipes... HONEYCOMB!



200g caster sugar

5 tablespoons golden syrup

2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda



Line a large baking tray with baking paper.

Use a large sized saucepan to make the honeycomb.


On a low heat, add the sugar and golden syrup to the saucepan. Stir very gently and slowly until they are combined. Once combined, stop stirring. Turn the heat up to medium.

Let it bubble away until it reaches a light golden-brown colour. Don't stir.

Once it looks golden brown, take it off the heat and immediately stir in the bicarbonate of soda with a wooden spoon.

WOW! Look what happens! It’s magic in a pot!!  

(DO NOT touch the mixture. It will be VERY hot.)


Once it has foamed up, tip it out onto your baking tray and leave it to set and cool.  This will take approx. 1-1.5 hours. Allow the honeycomb to completely set then smash into chunks using a rolling pin.

You can eat it as is or you can add chunks to ice-cream. Enjoy!​​


Lunchbox Laughs

What did one slice of bread say to the other slice of bread before their boxing match?


You're toast.

Lunchbox Recipes

Here at the Lunchbox we love soup! Full of vitamins & nutrients, a warming bowl of soup is perfect for cold days. Unfortunately for safety reasons (little ones carrying the class lunch basket with tubs of hot liquid) we cannot serve soup at school.


But if we could, our favourites to serve would be:

Chicken noodle soup (see recipe below)

Pumpkin soup

Moroccan lentil soup

Ramen with miso chicken



This recipe for chicken noodle soup is the perfect kid-friendly soup. It is full of flavour and nutrients but it doesn't have ingredients that some kids don’t like. No onion, no garlic, no celery, and no green stuff! 

Chicken Noodle Soup

Serves 4


4-5 chicken thighs, chopped into cubes

1 packet egg noodles (or pasta of choice)

2 tablespoons butter

2 large carrots, chopped

2 bay leaves (optional)

8 cups chicken stock

Salt and pepper, to taste

Water or more stock, as needed​​


Melt butter in saucepan. Add carrots. Cook for 6-8 minutes until they have softened.

Stir in bay leaves and any other herbs you may like (thyme, oregano).

Pour in stock, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add chicken thighs and salt to taste.

Put lid on saucepan, simmer for 20 minutes.

Stir in the noodles (or pasta) and cook for 8-10 minutes.

Add some water or more stock if pan looking a little low.

Once noodles are soft, you are ready to serve. Enjoy!


Reminders for the week: 22-26 July  

With the Paris Olympics starting this coming weekend (woohoo!), we're thinking about your petits athlètes as they swing, run, jump, skip and dance their way through their school day.


As you know, we're all about fuelling those little bodies with nutritious goodness.


It is best to have foods that contain carbohydrates (such as wholegrain cereals, bread, rice and pasta) before exercise. This is the main fuel source for muscles and can help your child remain focused and alert. Some protein (such as lean meat and poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy and nuts) is also great to help muscles recover after exercise.


Some great pre-exercise snacks including a combination of these are:

  • Sandwiches with a high protein filling such as egg, tuna or meat

  • Cheese and crackers

  • Spaghetti with cheese and/or meatballs

  • Sushi with a seafood or chicken filling

  • Banana smoothie

  • Yoghurt with granola


Look out for lots of excellent options on our Lunchbox menu.







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Welcome to Term 3, 2024!

We hope you had some winter fun in the holidays.


We're excited to be back this week, serving up hot and nutritious (and always delicious!) lunches.


Our first day is this Thursday, July 18th so don't forget to place your order for a yummy lunch.


We're looking forward to fuelling those active little bodies as they run, jump, skip, hop, swing and sing.


Have a wonderful first week.  

Snowy Trees

Lunchbox Fun Food Facts

Did you know? 

Plenty of animals tuck away food for the winter, including red squirrels, who prepare an unusual snack to enjoy when the temperature drops. Along with storing seeds and nuts, the squirrels dry out mushrooms in trees to make what National Geographic describes as 'hand-made artisanal conifer-dried mushroom jerky.' Or should that be 'paw-made'?!


Thank you

The team here at Lunchbox is feeling incredibly thankful for such an amazing term.


We love watching the little preppies grow and become more confident about being members of the school community. Meanwhile, we notice the Grade 6 students take on their leadership roles within the school with gusto. We also love watching the dress up days and the return of students from sports carnivals all pumped with team spirit.  We enjoy the kids playing the piano as we hand out juice cups.  We greatly value the lunch monitors, taking their basket collection and return so very seriously.    


We also listen to stories your children tell us. One little boy likes the red juice cups best as that's the colour of his Dad's car. One little girl sits and reads at our canteen window, telling us what is happening in her book.


We absolutely love being part of your school community. Thank you for your support and see you next term. Happy holidays! 


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Lunchbox Table Talk

What's your favourite food to eat on a cold day?


Pumpkin soup? Macaroni cheese? Chicken pie? Lasagne?

Or maybe something sweet like apple crumble or hot chocolate?


Why not make the most of the chilly days in the winter holidays and get your little helpers into the kitchen to make their favourite winter warmers?  


Reminders for the week: 17 - 21 June  


This Friday, 21 June will be our last day of lunch service for term 2.  


Thank you for a fantastic term! 


We hope you have a great break and we can't wait to see your little ones and their happy faces again in term 3.


Nachos Nachos Nachos!

Nacho Day is almost here! This yummy fiesta is happening next Thursday, 20 June so don't forget to get your orders in. Please order through the school shop on MunchMonitor. Delicioso!  

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Reminders for the week: 3 - 7 June 

Grade 6 are off to camp this Wednesday, June 5 and return on Friday, June 7.


We hope everyone has a wonderful time. 


Lunchbox Laughs

What kind of jokes do vegetables tell each other?


Corny ones!

Reminders for the week: 27 - 31 May  

Looking ahead, Grade 6 are off to camp on Wednesday, June 5 and return on Friday, June 7. We hope they have an amazing time and make some lasting memories of fun times at primary school.


Also, we are excited to announce that Thursday, 20 June is Nacho Day!

Don't forget to order by this Friday, 14 June.

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Lunchbox Fun Food Facts

Did you know? Raspberries are actually a member of the rose family! No wonder the plants have thorns - ouch! - but we're sure you agree fresh raspberries are worth it. 


We've had some lovely feedback from your children about our naan chicken tenders - they are a big hit! Needless to say, that makes all of us here at Lunchbox incredibly happy as we are always striving to make the food we serve as yummy as it is nutritious. 


Lunchbox Goodness Me!

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Are cheese and tomato toasties a healthy choice for my child's lunch?


 The humble but mighty cheese and tomato toastie is actually a well-balanced meal, providing long-lasting energy, satisfying protein and one serve of veg, along with bone-strengthening calcium and vitamin C to support your child's immune system. Guilt-free deliciousness!



We are hiring!


Are you looking for a role that is:

School hours

School terms

1or 2 days a week


The Lunchbox operates onsite canteens at Footscray City, Footscray North, Footscray West, Yarraville West & Dinjerra Primary Schools.


We are currently looking for dynamic team members to join our Footscray West & Footscray North sites. Work one or both days.


Hours of work & pay


Footscray West- Thursday 9.15am-12.15pm

                      Friday 9.15am-12.15pm

Footscray North- Thursday 10.30am-1.00pm

                      Friday 10.00am-1.00pm

School terms only. Award casual rates ($30.91) + 11% Super. Paid weekly.


The Role


You will assist in the day-to-day operations of the onsite canteen performing a range of tasks including:

• preparation of hot and cold food for lunch service

• communicating with VIP customers - the students!

• stock rotation

• general cleaning




• enjoy working in a fast-paced environment (at times it is VERY fast paced)

• are able to multi-task & move fast - reiterating the above point!

• have knowledge of food hygiene standards

• have good communication skills

• have general computer skills

• have a can-do attitude

• have exceptional personal hygiene

• are able to maintain confidentiality

• are punctual & reliable

• enjoy working in a team

• enjoy working with children

• hold a valid Working with Children Check


Applications for the role:


If you are interested in joining a fun & energetic team, we would love to hear from you. Remember, please only apply if you can work in a fast-paced environment! Email your cv to:

Lunchbox Laughs

When do you go at red and stop at green?


When you're eating watermelon!


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Reminders for the week: 22 - 26 April  

Please remember that this coming Thursday, 25 April is ANZAC Day and Friday, 26 April is a student free day. There will be no Lunchbox service on those days.  


Welcome to Term 2, 2024!

We hope you had fun in the holidays. What did you do? 


We were having fun in the kitchen and are pleased to announce an addition to the menu...Lunchbox Taquitos.


We can't wait to see them being devoured by hungry little students on Taquito Thursdays!

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Happy Easter!

Yay it's the Easter holidays and we're excited because that means... chocolate galore!!

We love eggs and bunnies too, but why not try this super easy idea for something different? Melt some chocolate, pour onto some baking paper and add whatever toppings you fancy. Here are some of our favourites!

300g of chocolate will serve approximately 8 people (or maybe fewer if there are any chocolate monsters in your family).

Our Lunchbox top tip - add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your chocolate before melting it to ensure a smooth, silky, shiny finish.




















Colorful Balloons

Congratulations to all the preppies!

You've just completed your first term at school!

And a huge thank you to our Lunch Monitors.

Collecting the lunches and returning the baskets is a big responsibility and you did a brilliant job.

We couldn't do it without your help.

We can't wait to see you all next term. Happy Holidays!

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Reminders for the week: 18 - 22 March  

This coming Friday, 22 March will be our last day of service for the term. We can't wait to see you all again in Term 2. Thanks for a fantastic start to the school year!  

Orange Flags


This coming Thursday, March 21 is Harmony Day, a celebration of Australian multiculturalism in all its glorious diversity. You can find out more about Harmony Day here


A Taste of Harmony focuses on food as a way of bringing people together to share, discover and learn about each other’s cultural heritage. You can find some delicious recipes from diverse cultures to try out at home here. Maybe you'll find a new family favourite!


We will be serving orange frozen juice cups to honour the special day. Yum! 



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Lunchbox Goodness Me!

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Not mentioning any names, but did you know that one popular brand of berry pouch yoghurt contains 2 ½ teaspoons of sugar per 130g serve?


Meanwhile our yummy Lunchbox yoghurt & granola pots contain only 2 teaspoons of sugar per 215g serve.


That’s more food with less sugar-we love teaching kids to eat well! 



Reminders for the week: 19-23 February  


It's smoothie weather this week!!

Our smoothies are healthy & delicious-gluten free, dairy free & served in a biodegradable cup. What's not to love?!


The very popular Jojo features a mash up of fresh strawberries, mangoes, peach & banana. The Jojo will add some fun to your day.


Meanwhile Lucy Liu is a berry explosion with raspberries, blueberries, banana and acai.

Did you know acai (ah-sigh-EE) berries are a grape-like fruit native to the rainforests of South America? They contain antioxidants that help boost your heart's health and improve memory. Perfect for school days!


And the Paisley has mango, banana, passionfruit & pineapple. Close your eyes and this will take you out of the classroom and straight to the beach.


Remember, your straw will be located in the classroom basket. Bring your straw back to the canteen to collect your smoothie.

Enjoy these refreshing drinks this week!


Lunchbox Laughs

What fruit likes to go down slides?


A ki-wheee!


Welcome to a new school year!

We hope you've had a wonderful summer break and are all ready for another exciting school year! We can't wait to get back into the kitchen and help lighten your load a little by providing your children with fresh and delicious lunches. 


Our first day of service will be next Thursday 8 February. Please make sure you have updated your child/ren's 2024 classroom before you place an order. Simply go to your MunchMonitor account and go to:

- Profile

- Edit (on the student account you wish to change)

- School details

- Then click on the drop box to find your child's classroom.


If you need to open a new account, please follow the instructions below, making sure to use the correct school ID and password:



See you next week!


Last day of Lunchbox lunches for 2023:  Friday 15 December  

It is almost the end of another action-packed school year! Our last lunch service for the year is this coming Friday, December 15.


We wish you all a very happy holiday season and a joyful 2024! 


We love being part of your school and providing your children with yummy goodness to power them through the school day. Thank you so much for having The Lunchbox as part of your fabulous Footscray North community and we look forward to seeing your children's smiling faces again in Term 1, 2024.


Grade 6 students and families departing school, farewell and all the best! Closing your Munchmonitor account is super easy.


Your account will be closed with a full refund going back onto your credit card.




Lunchbox Table Talk

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What is your favourite food?

Have you ever tried to make it at home? Maybe you can give it a go in the holidays! 

Reminders for the week: 4 - 8 December   

 Grade 6 students and families departing school, closing your Munchmonitor account is super easy.



Your account will be closed with a full refund going back onto your credit card.


Pasta Bolognese

​Lunchbox Fun Food Facts

Did you know? A single spaghetti noodle is a spaghetto! 

Fruit market

Lunchbox Laughs

Why did the banana go to the doctor?


Because it wasn't peeling well!


Grade 6 end of year information

Congratulations grade 6 students! You are very close to completing your primary school years. The Lunchbox wishes you the best of luck for your new exciting chapter.


Grade 6 students and families departing school, closing your Munchmonitor account is super easy.



Your account will be closed with a full refund going back onto your credit card.


Pasta Meal

Lunchbox Table Talk

What's the yummiest thing you've ever eaten? What's the worst? What's the strangest?!

Give A Fork initiative 

'Give A Fork' is The Lunchbox's plant-based food supplier. It is a sustainable, not for profit organisation based in Melbourne. They currently supply our plant-based nuggets & burgers.  


Have you tried them for lunch yet? They are delicious and are good for the planet! You can find further information here.


In an exciting collaboration, The Lunchbox & Give a Fork have created a 4 week tasting menu, giving students the opportunity to taste plant-based food free of charge. The 4 week program features plant-based popcorn chicken, nuggets, burgers and bolognese.


If you are interested in your child's school rolling out this program, please let The Lunchbox know. 




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Lemon Tree

Lunchbox Fun Food Facts

Did you know? Lemons float but limes sink!

The sun has arrived along with our fresh summer menu.

Sushi, Fried rice, Edamame beans & Fresh fruit smoothies

make delicious & healthy lunch options.

See you Thursday, 5 October.


School codes for setting up your
MunchMonitor Account


Looking for work during school hours?

The Lunchbox-your onsite school canteen is looking for  team members. Join our fast paced, fun team preparing lunch orders.


Thursday & Friday 10.00am-1.30pm shifts available.



Image by MD Duran
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